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xxx .Welcome to ys' EIR blog=D♥. . .
Yingshan TPPID yr 1
currently having CDS of EIR(effective internet research)
my research topic: the role of design in the global go-green movements

i want to try my best to do well in this CDS=)
i've got the xxx=D

God tolds us to love instead of hate=D


xDJanuary 2009
xDSeptember 2011

Xianling's blog
Zuraizan's blog


Software: paint, photoshop

Tuesday, September 27, 2011'






Tuesday, January 27, 2009'

After all the lessons I had, I still prefer Google.com as my research tool (Is it a good or bad thing? =P) Google as search enignes enable to find relevant information I wants most of time. A few days before I tried to use Google search using my EIR research topic: the role of design in global g0-green movements.
(role) AND (design) AND (global OR wordwide) AND ( g0-green OR eco-friendly) AND (movements)

and the first website in the results list is

It doesn't mean that Google is not effective, as my blog, indeed, is about this topic: the role of design in global g0-green movements.

But I need to scroll down to find other sources which are useful to me.

Most of people, (and I am one of them) think this CDS is quite useless and easy to manage. However, as more lessons I had and practical worksheets I did, I starting to like this CDS as I know more about internet. Internet research is not just only about Google or Yahoo. I have learned what is meta-search engine, subject directory, invisible websites, and Google is just one of search enigne we commonly used. I've leaned that there are still so much more in internet I don't know...I realised there are so much more to explore after this CDS class. or maybe, my EIR class just started. =)

Thursday, January 22, 2009'

Youtube is a website where users can up load, share and view video clips.
Actually I didn't visit youtube.com as much as my friends do. But as I realised the benefits of youtube, I started to used it more for different purposes like entertainment, research. For entertainment, I like to search music videos of my favourite songs and with regards to research, I use youtube for project research on the related topic, sometimes I would use video to show to the class for a project presentation. When I want to learn to use something, I like to use youtube as the steps shown will be clearer than books.
It's useful as a wide varity of videos are provided. Although there are crticisms on youtube, it's still a useful website because of the wide range of topics it covered. It can be a source of entertainment or information and knowledge.


the activity we did in class:
---> OLE Discussion Board.
----->Post my response to the questions given under Discussion Forum:

----->How do I feel about posting my views on the topic posted on OLE Discussion Forum?
It's interestng to read different people' opinions as we all think differently. I actually learned quite a lot through reading their thoughts, opinions, what they have learned. I can express my views freely, but it's important not to be biased.

----->online discussion VS face-to-face discussions
I feel both online discussion and face-to-face in-class discussions has its own benefits. Face-to face discussions allow more interactions between people to be involved whereas online discussions is convenient, more than one topic can be discussed at same time.

----->Is this e-learning activity meaningful to me?
Through this activity, I can exchange my ideas and view with others, and understand better about different search facilities through discussions. This activity allows us to know how it is like to be involved in a discussion forum.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009'

my dream holiday:
La Ville-Lumière.

I always want to go Paris. It's one of the world's leading cultural centre. The Eiffel tower, Sacré-Cœur Basilica, the museums and monuments in Paris really attract me to visit.

the website I choose to evaluate on:

This website helps online visitors to know more about the well-known parks and gardens, famous museums, theatres and other attractions in the city. Besides provding information on the city's highlights, there are also information like guide for foreign residents, history of Paris to allow visitors know Paris deeper as a city.

The purpose of this site hence is to attract more tourists and as well as foreign residents to choose Paris as a place to live.

The mysterious charm of Paris attracts me to go visit this city. I'm particualrly interested in visiting the musuems in Paris. I felt arts can be found everywhere in this city, Paris is a city of art to me. As one of the world's most beautiful cities, Paris possesses an enormous cultural richness. It's rich in culture and art influnce might be the reason why Paris attracts me.

Thursday, January 15, 2009'
I wasn't able to go for the previous lesson and I realised I have missed quite a lot when I came for class today. I've showed my EIR portfolio (draft) to the lecturer and managed to
get some practicable suggesions to improve my work. Now I need to start doing practicals for the previous class I have missed.

Evaluation of Internet Resources : Evaluation Criteria

we were told to visit this website: http://www.talkingcock.com/, evaluate this website to comment and justify whether this website is sustainable or not.

the criteria for evaluating websites:

Presentation and Arrangement
Overall Quality

talkingcock.com is a website for Singaporeans to express their opinions and thoughts. (I'm not really interested in this websites as I'm not Singaporean and I feel there isn't much useful information as it's a website of jokes mainly on events happened in Singapore) The layout of talkingcock.com appears to be quite interesting to me. Red as background able to catch attention of visiters, the introduction of the website is also interesting to read. Important things
like authority which needs to take note when visiting this website have been listed down in a clear format.

I used criterias like purpose, coverage and authority to evaluate this website. I think purpose is one of the important criteria. By evaluate the objectives of various websites help us to
differentiate one another and understand better.
talking.com is basically about sharing of personal opinions and stories, so information there might not be useful. (can be biased and hence not reliable.)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009'

Invisible Web (Databases)

Today I have learned another Internet search facility, Invisible Web.
Databases are test pages, files or other often high-quality authoritative infromation availiable via the world wide web that you can not find using general web search engines due to the search engines dynamically generated pages of little value beyond single use or sometimes pages deliberately excluded by their owners.

I can't say that databases are effective than other search facilities such as search engines, meta-search and subject directories. Sometimes databases might be more effective in research of certain topic you want to search on. But for my reseach topic I found it quite hard to find related information.

At first, I was expecting to get more related information than before since it's databases. However I'm quite disappotinted with the results. I did not managed to get much information regarding to my reseach topic.

I tried to use all the key words to search using databases like what I did when using other search facilities, but I found I could not able to find any results. So I cut down my key words to search again and finally I get a few relevant resources for my research topic.


Although I was not able to find as much as information as I thought before, I will still consider to use databases for research in my study. As the information found is reliable and up-to-date.
I think it's quite helpful to use different search facilities to do research. The reason why I couldn't find much information using databases is possibly because there isn't much information on the topic I choose to research. But I believe it will be helpful if I have research need to do in future. I'm doing research for my module material and process recently, so I think the practical worksheets I did will be helpful to my research.